1.Pan C, Qiu H*.Improve survival from prolonged mechanical ventilation: beginning with first step.J Thorac Dis. 2015 Jul;7(7):1076-9.PMID: 26380717
2.Yu T, Li Q, Liu L, Guo F, Longhini F, Yang Y, Qiu H*.Different effects of propofol and dexmedetomidine on preload dependency in endotoxemic shock with norepinephrine infusion.J Surg Res. 2015 , 198(1):185-91.PMID: 26081003
3.Li HP, Qiu HB, Wang HQ.Effect of lipopolysaccharide on angiotensin II type 1 receptor expression and function in human pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells. Mol Med Rep. 2015, 12(6):8289-93. PMID: 26497066
4.Liu L, Xia F, Yang Y, Longhini F, Navalesi P, Beck J, Sinderby C, Qiu H*.Neural versus pneumatic control of pressure support in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases at different levels of positive end expiratory pressure: a physiological study.Crit Care. 2015, 19:244. PMID: 26059238
5.Liao X, Qiu H, Li R, Guo F, Liu W, Kang M, Kang Y; China-SCAN Team.Risk factors for fluconazole-resistant invasive candidiasis in intensive care unit patients: An analysis from the China Survey of Candidiasis study. J Crit Care. 2015, 30(4):862.e1-5.PMID: 26002430
6.Yu T, Peng X, Yang Y, Qiu H*.Response to letter to the editor on the article “Propofol increases preload dependency in septic shock patients”.J Surg Res. 2015, 196(1):58-9.PMID: 25918007
7.Cai SX, Liu AR, Chen S, He HL, Chen QH, Xu JY, Pan C, Yang Y, Guo FM, Huang YZ, Liu L, Qiu HB*.Activation of Wnt/β-catenin signalling promotes mesenchymal stem cells to repair injured alveolar epithelium induced by lipopolysaccharide in mice. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2015, 6:65. PMID: 25889393
8.Chen QH, Liu AR, Qiu HB, Yang Y.Interaction between mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial cells restores endothelial permeability via paracrine hepatocyte growth factor in vitro. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2015, 6:44.PMID: 25888925
9.Xu JY, Ma SQ, Pan C, He HL, Cai SX, Hu SL, Liu AR, Liu L, Huang YZ, Guo FM, Yang Y, Qiu HB*.A high mean arterial pressure target is associated with improved microcirculation in septic shock patients with previous hypertension: a prospective open label study.Crit Care. 2015 Mar 30;19:130. PMID: 25887027
10.Liu L, Liu S, Xie J, Yang Y, Slutsky AS, Beck J, Sinderby C, Qiu H*.Assessment of patient-ventilator breath contribution during neurally adjusted ventilatory assist in patients with acute respiratory failure. Crit Care. 2015 Feb 18;19:43. PMID: 25882607
11.Luo JC, Qiu XH, Pan C, Xie JF, Yu T, Liu L, Yang Y, Qiu HB*.Increased cardiac index attenuates septic acute kidney injury: a prospective observational study. BMC Anesthesiol. 2015, 15:22. PMID: 25745357
12.Liu L, He H, Liu A, Xu J, Han J, Chen Q, Hu S, Xu X, Huang Y, Guo F, Yang Y, Qiu H*.Therapeutic effects of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in models of pulmonary and extrapulmonary acute lung injury. Cell Transplant. 2015, 24(12):2629-42.PMID: 25695285
13.Yang Y, Guo F, Zhao W, Gu Q, Huang M, Cao Q, Shi Y, Li J, Chen J, Yan J, Jin Z, Wang X, Deng Y, Sun L, Cai H, Huang J, Zheng Y, Li W, Liu A, Chen B, Zhou M, Qiu H*, Slutsky AS.Novel avian-origin influenza A (H7N9) in critically ill patients in China*.Crit Care Med. 2015, 43(2):339-45.PMID: 25365721
14.He H, Liu L, Chen Q, Liu A, Cai S, Yang Y, Lu X, Qiu H*.Mesenchymal Stem Cells Overexpressing Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 Rescue Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Lung Injury.Cell Transplant. 2015, 24(9):1699-715.PMID: 25291359
15.Yu T, Peng X, Liu L, Li Q, Huang Y, Guo F, Yang Y, Qiu H*.Propofol increases preload dependency in septic shock patients. J Surg Res. 2015 Feb;193(2):849-55. PMID: 25266601
16.He HL, Liu L, Chen QH, Cai SX, Han JB, Hu SL, Chun P, Yang Y, Guo FM, Huang YZ, Qiu HB*.MSCs modified with ACE2 restore endothelial function following LPS challenge by inhibiting the activation of RAS. J Cell Physiol. 2015, 230(3):691-701. PMID: 25200929
17.Cao B, Tan TT, Poon E, Wang JT, Kumar S, Liam CH, Ahmed K, Moral P, Qiu H, Barez MY, Buntaran L, Tampubolon OE, Thamlikitkul V.Consensus statement on the management of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus nosocomial pneumonia in Asia. Clin Respir J. 2015, 9(2):129-42. PMID: 24725393
18.Pan C, Tang R, Xie J, Xu J, Liu S, Yu T, Huang Y, Guo F, Yang Y,Qiu H*. Stress index for positive end-expiratory pressure titration in prone position: a piglet study. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2015 , 59(9):1170-8. PMID: 26198816
19.Zhang XW, Xie JF, Chen JX, Huang YZ, Guo FM, Yang Y, Qiu HB*.The effect of mild induced hypothermia on outcomes of patients after cardiac arrest: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Crit Care. 2015 , 19:417.PMID: 26619835
20.Yang Y, Chen QH , Liu AR , Xu XP, Han JB, Qiu HB. Synergism of MSC-secreted HGF and VEGF in stabilising endothelial barrier function upon lipopolysaccharide stimulation via the Rac1 pathway. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2015, 6(1):250. PMID:26674641
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